The Jury’s Still Out …

Hey y’all.  It’s Jim Jr.

I’ve finally settled back into the rhythm of things in NYC.  For those of you I got to see during my time in Athens, it was great seeing all’y’all.  And for those I did not get to see, 10 days (plus 2 days of travel) is hardly enough time for me to do everything I wanted to do and see everyone I wanted to see.

One thing I was constantly asked was the status of my mother’s case.  There was a hearing on Friday September 16, 2016 and a ruling has still not been issued.  That’s been over 4 months since the hearing and we are still waiting to hear from the appointed judge.

For those who wish for a reminder of what the hearing covered, Lee Shearer wrote a thorough article about the procedure in September and it can be found here.  One of my favorite quotes from the article is

Adamson didn’t rule on the two motions Thursday but promised to rule “in a reasonable, timely manner.” But Tolley should in the meantime ask the regents whether they’d be willing to enter mediation with Barrow, the judge said.

If the fairest resolution can be gotten through mediation, “and the judges and lawyers don’t have to be heroes, then we have all won,” Adamson said.

I don’t know about you but I do not call four months without a word “a reasonable, timely manner.”  And, in addition to nothing from Adamson, we haven’t heard anything from UGA.